Reawakening the Sacred: Taking Action for Change
Matthew Fox
- Calling on our warrior instinct to protect the Earth
- The role of compassion in unifying people to take action for preserving our Planet
- Developing economic systems that work for all groups, including our more-than-human creatures
- Bringing elders and youth together to forge strong paths of wisdom to act on behalf of nature
- How people can reclaim the sacred in themselves as a vehicle to activism
Rev. Matthew Fox, PhD, is an author, theologian, activist priest and founder of the University of Creation Spirituality. His books, lectures, retreats, and innovative education models have inspired people to be mystics and contemplative activists that honor and defend the earth and work for justice.
Rev. Matthew’s recent projects include Order of the Sacred Earth, Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox, and the Cosmic Mass. He has authored 38 books, including Julian of Norwich: Wisdom in at Time of Pandemic—and Beyond; The Tao of Thomas Aquinas: Fierce Wisdom for Hard Times, and A Spirituality Named Compassion. His website is
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