Seeing Through the Lens of an Artist

Camille Seaman

  • Art as a way to evoke gratitude and respect for nature and Planetary life
  • The ways art invites us to move through our cycles of emotion and grow from them
  • How art compels us to stop and take time to notice
  • How art influences people to take responsive action to the ecological crisis
  • How our behavior toward nature changes when we understand that all life is interconnected

Camille Seaman is a photographer whose work focuses on fragile environments, extreme weather, and stark beauty of the natural world—from the deep greys of storm clouds to the shocking blue of icebergs. As a Senior TED Fellow and speaker, she urges us to feel our connection to nature: “I was taught from a very young age that we are connected to everything, that everything has a life force.”

Camille strongly believes in capturing photographs that show that humans are not separate from nature. Her work has been featured globally in publications, including National Geographic, TIME and New York Times. She has won many awards and is a Stanford Knight Fellow and Cinereach Filmmaker. For more information, visit

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